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Image by Isiah Jackman

Our Supporters

Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Fiscal year is July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023
Lists updated weekly

Purple Level Supporters


Sharon Bergman Evans

B Jo Brewer

Inatai Foundation

Evans Venture Foundation

The Firstenburg Foundation

Joe Fischer

The Health Care Foundation

The Donald & Margaret Fuesler Foundation

The Red Hat Thrift Store

United Way of Cowlitz & Wahkiakum 

Platinum Level Supporters


Altrusa International of Longview-Kelso

Terry & Barbara Balkan

Michael Bauman

Jennifer Bard

Marjorie  Berry

BlueScope Foundation, North America

Daniel Burns

Phillip Cahoon

CH Murphy l Clark-Ullman, Inc.

Craig & Diana Collins

Collins Architectural Group

Emmanual Lutheran Church

Jackie Evans

Fibre Federal Credit Union

Kay Fischer & Family

Michael & Sandy Haas

Kaiser Permanente

Mike & Teri Karnofski

Robert & Pauline Kirchner

Longview Community Church

Longview Noon Rotary

David May

Margaret McNew

Margaret Miollis

Allison Moss

Ron Oringer & Misty Jewell

Nippon Dynawave Packaging

Gretchen Potschka

William Reade

St. John Medical Staff

St. Rose Catholic Church

William P. Sari

Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace

Eric Smith

Eileen & Kelley Smith

Alta Suttles

Sheli & Hershul Randolph Sweet

D Margaret Studley Foundation

Betty Trembley

United Way Columbia County

Gold Level Supporters

Silver Level Supporters



Alpha K Chapter

Anderson & Anderson Advisory, LLC

Jessica Brenner

Betsy Coburn

In Memory of Carol Findlay

Carolyn Fox

Cascade Eye Care

Richard Green

Heritage Bank Women's Scramble

Iteration Coffee

Donna Jewell

Jill Johanson

Sandy Junker

Longview Early Edition Rotary Foundation

Lower Columbia Longshoremen's Federal Credit Union

Mint Valley Credit Union

Milford & Marjorie Ofstun

Sara Remmers

Tricia Rodman

Barbara Samples

Sharon & Stephen Shope

Christina Slunaker

Jeffrey Smith

St. Stephen's Episcopal Church

Kay Stacie

Elizabeth Wagner Tschirgi

James Waters

Debi White

Rod and Joan Wright Family Fund


Charlotte Alexander

Todd Austin

Ron Bakke

Lesley Bombardier

Terry Brooks & Jeff Cameron

Elissa Bruno

James Bucher

Stephanie Bucher

Ken & Jori Cachelin

Amanda Cantu

Cascadia Metals Giving Committee

Catlin Properties, Inc.

Counseling Services & Associates

Cup of Jo's

Henry H. Dearing

Anne DeFrancisco

Eid, Jaber, Jasser PLLC

Karen Elliott

Faith Lutheran Brethren Church

First Assembly of God Church

Lily Huynh

Kalama United Methodist Women

Kelso United Methodist Presbyterian Church

Darr Kirk

Shirley Kittelson

Greg & Maureen Kolacek

Kristine Langley

Longview-Kelso Earlybird Lions

Shirley & Wilbur Mackey

Karen & Mike Moss

William Norvell

Penelope Pappas Sells

Todd & Jennifer Phillips

Janet Perez

Vernon Pickett

R Squared Dance Club

Jori Scruggs-Brown

Sessions Plumbing & Heating, Inc.

Michael & Martha Sherman

Marilyn Young Skogland

Richard & Kay Stern

Dennis Weber

Bronze Level Supporters


Chelsea Beck

Jennifer Bejcek

Mark & Eileen Bergeson

Rebecca Bristol

Stephanie Chadwick

Mary Chennault

Stacy Chilton

Ronald & Sandi Colbert

Linda Constans

Costco Workplace Giving 

Counseling Services & Associates

Stacy Crutcher McFadden

Paul Dehnert

Diane Dick

Eclipse Coffee & Tea

Hani Eid

Karen Elliott

Robert & Mary Fletcher

Peter Franett

Jane Gerdon

Nancy Gill

Randy & Beth Grambo

Kathleen Griffin

John Groce

Marilyn Haan

John Hancock

Sarah Hancock

Byron Hanson

Erin & Pete Harnish

Sharon Haussmann

Sister Anne Hayes

Diane Hays

Brian Hewitt

James & Anne Hill

Arlene Hubble

Mary Huels

Karen & Rick Johnson

Kalama Koffee Company LLC

Jim Kambeitz

Kristine Keough

Alexis Kirkpatrick

Jody Kirkpatrick


Steve LaFady

Randy & Mary Lake

Martin & Jessica Lakey

Gregory Lapic

Margaret Lederer

Shira Lile

Laureate Beta Sorority - Beta Sigma Phi

Nick & Tiffanie Lemiere

Les Church Concrete

Cindy Lopez Werth

Donna & Joe MacKenzie

Brian Magnuson

Larry & Peggy Malone

Hal Mahnke

Montana Maichel

Ron Marshall

Joan Mason

Stan & Katy Mattos

Gavin & Jeanne Mills

Maureen Muller

Mike Murphy

James & Judy Nakashima

Katherine Neiman

Melvin Nelson & Donna Rolfe

Network for Good

Timothy O'Farrell

Marion Olmsted

PayPal Giving Fund

Mario & Debra & Jaxxon Perez

John Philbrook

Pete & Karen Pickett

Pete & Deborah Pineda

Cathleen Reed

Peggy Renaud

George & Mildred Robertson

Alan Rose

Charlotte A. Rosen

Mark & Trina Rosin

Glenda L Schuh

Scythe Brewing Company

Gay Selby

Gerald & Wendy Selde

Jordana Shumway

Rosemary Siipola

Shirley & John Simpson

Annemette Smeenk

Paul Smith

David Spurgeon

Patty Stevens

Robin Swecker

Janice Stixrud & Joel Rupley

Bradley Thurman

Sherrie Tinoco

Joshua & Melissa Tschirgi

Troy Family Dental

Edith Uthmann

Lisa Waldvogel


Menetta Westrup

Joan Wilcox

Maria Wallace

Mary Wingate

Greg Wolgamott

Leonard Workman

Ann Wright

Jim & Martha Zimmerman

$5 to $99


Roger & Karen Almquist

Altrusa International Club

Cheryl Amburgey

Beta Rho Sorority

Susan Batzle

Linda Beattie Inlow

Joanna Boatman

Carol Boudreau

In memory of Amanda Buckingham

Cafe Guse

Campus Towers Resident Council

Mary Carr-Wilt

Barbara Clausen

Joanie Cooper

Crow Moon Coffee

Carol Dahlquist

Crave Distributions

Katherine Demarest

Donna DeSpain

Judith Digby

Crishelle Eaton

Chelsea Eddington

Sherri Evans

Katherine Fairbanks

Valorie Futcher

Jane Gerdon


Jessica Hannan

Cathy Halverson

Dorothy Bain Hanson

Katrina Harris

Roberta Idlett

Elyse Iyer

Janet Jacobs

Steve Johnson

JustGive - Great Nonprofits

Kristine M Keough

Andy Kleiner

Sarah Koss

Monica & Len Lelevich

Larry & Peggy Malone

Hal Mahnke

Jill Mathews

Vonda McFadden

Donna McLain

Aaron McNabb

Robyn Mertes

Bonnie Merritt

Gene Misiak

Monticello Coffee House

Barbie & Frank Morrison

Mr. Bill's Espresso

Jamie Nelson

Network for Good

Jarl & Kay Opgrande

Deborah Pineda

Kay Purcell & Bill Hundley

Robert Gray Baptist Church-VBS

Kimberly Mueller

One4All Charitable Fund

Christina & John Richards

Mary Alice Robertson

Amber Rosewood

In honor of Raeann Phillip's birthday

Gerald & Wendy Selde

Constance Shookal

Jim Sillik

Victoria Smoak

Dolores Snider

Carissa Staley

Story Board Delights

Ian Thompson

Brittney Vaughan

Vault Books & Brew

Lisa Wadvogel

Linda Waterman

Nikki Watkins

Chere Weiss

Tiffany Wend

Cindy Lopez Werth

Phoebe Wiest

Juli Williams

Keith & Jane Wokal

Emergency Support Shelter

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Emergency Support Shelter - Safety, Hope and Healing

Services for victims of domestic violence:

24/7 Call:  360-425-1176

Text:  360-726-1003


Services for victims of crime, trafficking and sexual assault:

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm 

After Hours & Weekends

Call: 360-425-1176 

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Disclaimer: This website is supported by Grant Number #2412-56750 from the Emergency DV Shelter & Supportive Services Program within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Emergency DV Shelter & Supportive Services Program.

Copyright 2024, Emergency Support Shelter. All rights reserved.

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